It is totally within your
power to decide whether it is the right time for you and your family to move.
Even in the current market.
“How?” Let’s look at the
simplicity of the famous Serenity
Prayer and apply it to selling a home in today’s real estate market.
“God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and
wisdom to know the difference.”
Accept the things you cannot
The two main concerns many talk
about when discussing the housing market are:
the current economy
the election later this year
As an
individual, there is very little you can do to impact either of those two
situations (outside of voting on Election Day). The best think-tanks in the
country are struggling to discover what impact each of these items have on real
Have the courage to change
the things you can
If you are a seller, there are
plenty of buyers in the market for a home they consider priced correctly. You
have to decide what the correct price is for your home if you truly want to
sell. If you want your house sold, you must list it at a price a buyer will pay
for it. Not a buyer from 2006 but today’s buyer who has plenty of homes from
which to choose. It will take courage to sit with a real estate professional
and honestly decipher the true value of your home. If you want to sell, you
must have that courage.
If you are a buyer, and you
believe now is the right time for your family to purchase a home – DO IT!
Prices are back to pre-bubble prices and interest rates are at historic lows.
That means that your monthly housing expense will be lower than any time in the
last 50 years – and probably lower than your current rent payment.
The wisdom to know the
We all realize that the economic
situation will take some time to correct. The question is whether or not it
makes sense to delay moving on with your life until everything gets ‘better’.
Should you not sell your home and delay reconnecting with friends and relatives
that have all moved to another part of the country? Should you not buy a house
and enable your kids to attend the school you have already decided is best for
them? Should you spend another winter up north even though your doctor
recommends you move to a climate better suited to your current medical situation?
is where your wisdom must kick in. You already know the answers to the questions we just
asked. You have the power to take back control of the situation by moving
forward. The time has come for you and your family to move on and start living
the life you desire. That is what is truly important.